Hello, and welcome to MusicianCentric

We are thrilled that you’ve decided to visit today!

We explore diverse perspectives in the music field by creating a space for conversations that inspire musicians, particularly freelancers, to feel a sense of agency in their lives.

About us…

We're two curious freelance violists, friends and colleagues, who when life dealt us some super-sour lemons, made some sweet podcast lemonade.

In the spring of 2020, freelance musicians experienced an absolute evaporation of work - and for us - it brought us together on a porch (socially-distanced, of course) for some really deep conversations. We figured that if we're having these conversations, there are definitely other musicians having them too...and hence the ViolaCentric podcast was born! We hope that our episodes are sparks that start other, bigger conversations in our field and that as a community, we can make our profession work better for us all.

After 3 seasons as ViolaCentric, we are starting a new and exciting chapter as the MusicianCentric Podcast. We feel that this name more closely represents what our podcast’s vibe has been all along: relatable to, and inclusive of, all musicians. Whether you are a fellow violist, musician, music appreciator, or someone simply seeking community and inspiration, we welcome you and look forward to hearing from you. Drop us a ‘note’, tell us a story, share a recipe…honestly, we’re just tickled that you’re here!

Sign up below for our e-newsletter, follow our podcast wherever you listen, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on all of our upcoming projects.

XOXO, Liz and Stephanie